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Drielly Oliveira
Dancer, Painter and Fashion Model
Brasil and France

Whats your favorite way of travel?

I’m more like an adventurer  I like to travel alone. For me it’s a way of getting to know the place I am going to and myself better. I like to fully explore where I’m going, make friends with locals , listen to their music, eat their food…I always try to dive into the culture as much as I can so I can truly understand a place.

Why do you travel?

To nourish myself, to feel free.

What do you think of the future of travel?  How do you think we can contribute?

With everything that’s happening It’s hard to be positive. But there’s always choices. Im attracted to sustainable options , emphasizing eco-friendly practices and of course supporting local businesses and communities.

What is your future dream trip?

I dream to go to Africa, the cradle of humanity!

What is your favorite journey ever that you took?

I loved Morocco. I learned to play darubka there, the main percussion instrument from the arab world, and I slept in the desert.  

What are some of your favorite places in the world?

Im from Belo Horizonte in Brasil, so in Brasil obviously Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. For work I've spent a lot of time in Paris and Tokyo which I love. Then I love Spain and Marocco.

What are your favorite places and activities where you live?

I live in Paris. There I go dancing in a place called 104. "Le Cenquatre" is an artistic dance institution from the city. I also love going to the theatre and to have coffee by the Canal Saint Martin.

A treasure that you found on a trip? An object or memory ..

A Pierrot Mask that I found in Venice, Italy. I spent 3 hours in the Shop and observing the owner working on it and preparing it by Hand. I originally went to clown school a long time ago, and I loved discovering this sort of world in Venice.

Tell us something about your object of choice -  The Pareos you make yourself, your inspiration, how did it come about?

My artistic journey began with the goal of merging my passion for dance and painting into one. Working as a model from my early teenage years, it's a path that led me far from home that can be lonely. So I started to paint, and the faces that I usually painted where to not feel so alone. I have the impression to be accompanied with those faces that I paint. And I love to work on them, because for me it’s all about movement. The art is in the movement.